Goat Farming in Pakisant

Goat farming in Pakistan is a very common and popular occupation. Many people of Pakistan prefer goat farming as a business. Goats are known as ‘poor man's cow’ because of their small size and having a good capacity of producing milk and meat highly. Here in Pakistan are a lot of breeds, which are easy to maintain and can highly produce meat or milk. So, there is a great opportunity of earning some extra income for the marginal and landless farmer by raising goats.

About 90% of the total goat population of the world belongs to developing countries. And about 58% of the total goat population belongs to Asia and the Pacific. Asia and the Pacific goat population also contributes about 62% skin, 49% milk and 62% meat of total goat meat, milk, and skin production.

Goat farming has a very important role in the economy of Pakistan by producing mutton, hair, skins, and milk annually. And this production contributes about 2.5% of the total national income of Pakistan. The production rate of goats is increasing with the passage of time. This goat’s related production is coming from millions of poor, landless people and some other commercial producers. The goat products, produced in Pakistan are of high quality and have a great demand within the country and foreign market. There are following breeds in Pakistan:

1.      Berbari
3.      Kamori
4.      Sindh Desi
5.      Beetal
7.      Dera Din Panah
8.      Teddy
9.      Kaghani
10.  Khurasani
11.  Damani
12.  Gaddi
13.  Lehri
15.  Baltistani
16.  Bari
17.  Beiari
18.  Buchi
19.  Bugi Toori
20.  Bujri
21.  Jarakheil
22.  Jattal
23.  Jattan
24.  Kacchan
25.  Kail
27.  Kooti
28.  Kurri
29.  Labri
30.  Lohri
31.  Tharki or Tharri
32.  Pamiri
33.  Pateri
34.  Potohari
35.  Shurri
36.  Tapri or Lappi


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